Quick Guide
Welcome to the Valify API integration guide. This section provides a step-by-step guide to integrating Valify services into your application using our API.
Last updated
Welcome to the Valify API integration guide. This section provides a step-by-step guide to integrating Valify services into your application using our API.
Last updated
Authentication token: This can be generated through our auth API.
Bundle Key: This will be found in the email you received upon signup.
for more details about OAuth Token go to:OAuth Token
Download the JSON file from here.
Open Postman and click on Import.
Drop the JSON file.
Choose "Access Token" as shown below and update the "Body" with your credentials then click "Send".
The access token will be shown in the response.
Please note that the token can be used within 10 minutes and needs to be generated again.
Download the JSON file from here.
Open Postman and click on Import.
Drop the JSON file.
Click on "Egy NID OCR" then click on "Authorization" and replace the <access token> field with your access token and then click on "Body".
After clicking on "Body", fill in the required fields then click Send.
Please note that the front and back images should be converted to base 64 format. This can be done via an online tool; https://base64.guru/converter/encode/image/jpg