Installation Guide

Minimum Requirements

  • Jetpack Library: AndroidX

  • Java Version: 11

  • API Level: 24 or higher (Android 7.1)

  • Compile SDK: 31 or higher

  • Camera access is mandatory (NOTE : The SDK handles permission requests, so you don't need to implement them in your app).


Open the file Gradle Scripts | settings.gradle (Project Settings) and add the following in dependencyResolutionManagement section in repositories :

Note : You don't have to do this step if you did it before while integrating another valify SDK in the same project.

Note : The credentials here are NOT placeholders (Leave them as they are) .

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
         maven {
              credentials {
                   username “sdk”
                   password “sdk123456”
                url “”

          maven { url "" }
          maven { url '' }

SDK Dependancy

Open the file Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app) and add the following to the dependencies section:

implementation 'com.vidv:VIDVLivenessSDK:$LATEST_VERSION

Note: Latest Version: 3.0.1

Last updated