Installation Guide

iOS Minimum Requirements

  • iOS Version: 12

  • Xcode Version: 15

  • Camera access is mandatory

Android Minimum Requirements

  • Jetpack Library: AndroidX

  • Java Version: 11

  • API Level: 21 or higher (Android 5.0)

  • Compile SDK: 32 or higher

  • Camera access is mandatory (NOTE : The SDK handles permission requests, so you don't need to implement them in your app).


Add the following commands in your terminal to download the plugin

  1. npm install @valifysolutions/react-native-vidvocr@<LATEST_VERSION>

  2. npm pod-install (ONLY FOR IOS)

Latest Version: 3.1.6

iOS Project

In info.plist add the following permissions:

  • Required: “NSCameraUsageDescription”

  • Optional: “NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription” Only if you’re willing to use “collect_user_info” option

Android Project

Open the file Gradle Scripts | enable the following:


Please note that location access needs to be granted if you’re welling to use “collect_user_info” option to collect the user's geolocation and timezone

Add this code into your AndroidManifest.xml file :

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <!-- Add the meta-data element here with tools:replace -->
        tools:replace="android:value" />

Last updated