Installation Guide
Minimum Requirements
Jetpack Library: AndroidX
Java Version: 11
API Level: 21 or higher (Android 5.0)
Compile SDK: 32 or higher
Camera access is mandatory (NOTE : The SDK handles permission requests, so you don't need to implement them in your app).
You don't have to do this step if you did it before while integrating another valify SDK in the same project.
Open the file Gradle Scripts | settings.gradle (Project Settings)
and add the following in dependencyResolutionManagement section in repositories :
Note : The credentials here are NOT placeholders (Leave them as they are) .
SDK Dependancy
Open the file Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app)
and add the following to the dependencies
Note: Latest Version: 3.1.9
Add the following line in your Application Manifest (AndroidManifest.xml) inside application tag:
Last updated